
DATA SCIENCE Technologies Covered

Data Science Road Map

First 3 Month Course

  • Basic Python
  • Stat's & Probability
  • Advance Python

Within 6 Months Expert In


Data Science Road Map

Python Technologies Covered


Python Basic

  • Why Python
  • Python IDE
  • Variables & Name
  • Tuple,List,Dictionaries
  • Conditional Statements
  • For and While Loop
  • Functions

Python Advance

  • Functions as Arguments
  • List Comprehensions
  • File Handling
  • Debugging in Python
  • Class and Objects

Python Leaning Path

MongoDB Technologies Covered

MongoDB Road Map

MongoDB Basic

  • Install MongoDB
  • How MongoDB Works?
  • Insert First Data
  • CRUD Operatins
  • Insert Many
  • Update and Update Many
  • Delete and Delete Many

Mongo Advance

  • Prejection
  • Intro to Embed Documents
  • Adding Arrays
  • Aggregations,Schema Types
  • Types of Data in MongoDB
  • One to Many Embed
  • Assessment - MongoDB

MongoDB Learning Path

NumPy Concepts Covered


NumPy Basic

  • Introduction to NumPy
  • NumPy - String Functions
  • NumPy - Sort, Search & Counting Functions
  • NumPy - Array Creation Routines
  • NumPy - Iterating over Array
  • NumPy - Mathematical & Statistical Functions
  • NumPy - Copies,Views & Linear Algebra

NumPy Advance

  • NumPy - Matrix Library
  • NumPy - Ndarray Object
  • Module Projects - 6 full tutorials on project implementation using NumPy
  • NumPy - Array from Numerical Ranges
  • NumPy – Broadcasting
  • NumPy - Advanced Indexing

NumPy Learning Concepts

Python Pandas

Concepts Covered

Pandas Basic

  • Introduction to Pandas
  • Series Data Structure-Querying and Indexing
  • DataFrame DataStrcture-QueryingIndexing and Loading
  • Merging Data Frames
  • Group by Operations
  • Pivot Table

Pandas Advance

  • Date/Time Functionality
  • Manipulating Data Frame
  • Working with CSV and Excel files
  • Grouping Data

Pandas Leaning Concepts

Natural Language Processing

Concepts Covered

Natural Language Processing-Basics

  • Syntactic Analysis
  • Tokenization
  • Part of Speech Tagging(PoS Tagging)
  • Lemmatization and Stemming
  • Stop word removal

Natural Language Processing- Advance

  • Semantic Analysis
  • Word sense disambiguation
  • Relationship extraction
  • Sentiment Analysis,Test extraction

Natural Language Processing

Concepts Covered

Machine Learning

Concepts Covered

Machine Learning-Basics

  • Introduction to machine Learning
  • Experts systems and 6 Jars
  • Supervised Learning-Regression and Classification
  • Evaluation metrics and measuring accuracy
  • Feature selection
  • Regularisation - Ridge and Lasso
  • Assessment

Machine Learning- Advance

  • Comparison of supervised techniques
  • Do's and Dont's while training ML modes
  • Undersampling and Oversampling
  • Other methods - ROSE,SMOTE, etc.
  • Assessments

Machine Learning Concepts

Data Visualization

Concepts Covered

Data Visualization-Basics

  • Introduction to Data Visualization
  • Read Complex JSON files
  • Styling Tabulation
  • Distributing of Data - Histogram
  • Box Plot
  • Data Visualization-Recap
  • Pie Chart, Donut Chart, Stacked Bar Plot
  • Continues Vs Continues Plot

Data Visualization- Advance

  • Dash by Plotly's setup
  • Dash core components
  • Style our Dash Application
  • Callbacks
  • Adding interactivity to our Dash Apps using Callbacks

Data Visualization Concepts

Computational Thinking

Concepts Covered

Computational Thinking-Basics

  • Introduction to Data Visualization
  • Read Complex JSON files
  • Styling Tabulation
  • Distributing of Data - Histogram
  • Box Plot
  • Data Visualization-Recap
  • Pie Chart, Donut Chart, Stacked Bar Plot
  • Continues Vs Continues Plot

Computational Thinking- Advance

  • Dash by Plotly's setup
  • Dash core components
  • Style our Dash Application
  • Callbacks
  • Adding interactivity to our Dash Apps using Callbacks

Computational Thinking Concepts